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发表日期:2016年11月24日   出处:通讯员      已经有3926位读者读过此文





奶奶   Grandma




 网站通讯员   2016-11-24













小板凳,三条腿,我给奶奶嗑瓜子, Little little wooden stool With three legs on you I crack sunflower seeds for grandma

奶奶嫌我脏,我给奶奶端碗汤,  She minds the dirt on meSo I bring her a ball of soup

汤里没搁油,我给奶奶磕个头。  But without fat in it Thus I kowtow to show my regret


这是我的奶奶周凤臣。  This is my grandma Fengchen Zhou.

19921124她停止了呼吸,  She stopped breathing on November 24th, 1992.

但直到今天   But till today,

她还静静地躺在我们老家的炕上 She is still lying on the kang in our hometown.

奶奶留下了她的身体  Grandma left her body to this world,

有人说这是一个生命奇迹。 and some people say this is a miracle of life.

我、我的父亲和弟弟,  Father, my brother and I,

愿把亲身经历的一切告诉你们。 are willing to tell you about our own experience.



我们的老家在河北省香河县, Our hometown is in Fragrant River County in Hebei Province.

它位于北京和天津之间, It stands between Beijing and Tianjin,

在京津高速公路的北侧, To the north of Beijing-Tianjin Highway,

潮白河的南岸。 and on the south bank of Chaobai River.

据说香河的名字起源于辽代。  It was said the name of Fragrant River came from Liao era.

那时候,这里有一条小河, At that time, there was a small river here, 

栽满了香气浓郁的荷花。  full of water lilies of fragrance.

辽国的肖太后就把这里叫做香河。  Queen Xiao of Liao Country thus named the place Fragrant River.

明朝的永乐皇帝还曾想把国都建在这里。  Emperor Yongle of Ming Dynasty had once decided to build the capital here.

我们住在胡庄子村,  We live in the Huzhuangzi Village,

这是我们家的小院。  and this is our little courtyard.

这里有奶奶亲手栽种的枣树,  Here we have jujubes planted by grandma herself,

有奶奶喜爱的葫芦, gourds which grandma loved most,

有奶奶住过多年并且她今天仍住的小屋。  and the little house where grandma used to live in and is still living in now.

在停止呼吸半年后,  Half a year after she stopped breathing,

奶奶从北京回到这里。 grandma came back here from Beijing.

从那以后直到今天, From then on, till today,

她都这样静静地躺着。 She has been lying quietly.

我的奶奶周凤臣演化成了不腐真身。  My grandma Fengchen Zhou has evolved into an immortal body.

这个消息引起了国内外的关注。  The news has appealed to people all over the world.

人们称这是人间奇迹,  Some people say this is a miracle in the human world,

也有人说这是世纪之迷。  and some say this is a mystery of the century.



奶奶生于1905112,属蛇。 Grandma was born on November 2nd , 1905 in the serpent year. 

晚清与民国期间,  During the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic period,

她的父亲在民京城任事。  her father worked in Peking.

她从小由姑母带大。  Thus she was brought up by her aunt.

20岁时嫁到胡庄子村。  She married and thus came to live in Huzhuangzi Village when she was 20.

她一生大多数时间在家操持家务。 Most of her life time was spent on house-hold.

我的母亲去世早,  My mother passed away quite young,

我们姐弟四人都由奶奶抚养长大。  and we four children were brought up by Grandma.

奶奶心地善良。 Grandma was very kind-hearted.

她一生都勤劳俭朴, She had been very hard-working and thrift during all her life time.

乐于助人。  Moreover, she was always ready to help others.

她年轻时经常用民间技法和偏方为乡亲们治病。  She had cured the villagers with some folk skills and some folk descriptions.

许多人,特别是孩子,经她的治疗而痊愈。  Many people, especially children, recovered completely owing to her treatment.

1970年春,我爷爷杨世杰病故, Grandpa died of illness in the spring of 1970,

197610, 奶奶离开香河。  and Grandma left Fragrant River in October, 1976.

来到北京德外沙滩我父亲家中和我们一起居住。 to come to live together with us in Shatan community outside the Victory Gate in Beijing.



199287,奶奶回到老家。 Grandma left Beijing and went back to our hometown on August 7th, 1992.

当时我们并不知道她的身体演化过程实际上从那时就已经开始了。At that time we did not know that the evolvement in her body had began just then.

1110,我在北京得到老人病重的消息以后,马上就返回来了。  I went back to my hometown as soon as I got the news on November 10th that Grandma was seriously ill.

当时到家的时候,已经晚上六点多了。 When I arrived home it was over six o’clock..

我看到的老人已经穿好寿衣,神志很清楚,但身体很虚弱。 I saw Grandma already in her cerement, sober but weak.

家里人准备给老人办后事了。  The family was preparing for the funeral affairs.

按我们农村的习惯,人要死了,不能死在炕上。  According to our rural custom, a person should not die on the kang.

当时就把老人抬到灵床上去了。  Thus we carried Grandma to the bier.

在灵床上,她跟我说了一句话, On the bier, she talked to me once,

“奶奶,您没病,您能好。”  “Grandma, you are not so seriously ill. You’ll be better later.” I said to her.

她马上点头。  And she nodded at once.

另外, 在灵床上老人甚至仍然很清楚。  Moreover, when on the bier, she was still in good consciousness.

提出要接小便,  Later she told us that she wanted to piss,

然后我姑姑就给拿小便盆接好了小便,  and Aunt helped her with a bedpan.

控制得很好。 She could perfectly control herself.

到九点半的时候,七点钟上的灵床,到九点半左右的时候,   When it was about 9:30, (she was carried to the bier at seven)

老人感觉到床硬,硌得慌,我不在这呆着  she told us the bed was too stiff and made her uncomfortable.

我们一听挺高兴,然后又把老人抬回炕上。 We were much pleased with what she said and carried her back again to the kang.

这一天夜里,我守候在老人身旁, I watched for Grandma that night,

给老人吃了少量的西瓜汁。 and fed her with a little watermelon juice.

111日起,我们就开始给老人进行输液治疗。  From November 1st, we began the transfusion treatment.

1111号到14号这几天之内,我们每天给老人输一些葡萄糖,洁霉素,氯化钠。  From Nov. 11 to Nov. 14, the transfusion involved some dextrose and sodium chloride.

这几天老人奇迹般地一天状况比一天要好。 And during those days, she became, unexpectedly, better and better.

到了115号那天,  On October 5th, 

老人就让我在她身边睡觉,  she invited me to sleep beside her,

她身体就恢复得跟原来差不多了。  and her health had almost recovered.

老人就跟我讲:你别害怕,我死不了。  Thus she told me not to be afraid, and she would not die.

然后老人在没有吃饭的情况下,要求排大便。   Then she told us she wanted to shit, and that was under the condition of her not taking any food.

这一次大约是在115日上午十点多钟的时候。  The time was over 10 o’clock on 5th, October.

排了很多大便,颜色是深褐色的粘稠状,往外喷。  The shit was of great amount, thick fluid with a puce color, gushing out.

当时我们看到都觉得很奇怪。 We all felt strange at that time.

1115号这天,老人就开始进食了, On the day October 15th, she began to take food,

她的进食习惯跟以前发生了很大变化。  But her eating habit had changed greatly.

以前老人吃东西怕凉。  Formerly she had disliked taking cool food.

这一天我们给老人吃饭的时候,老人就要求吃凉东西,怕热的。   And that day when we fed her, she asked for something cool.

1116那天,四点钟,老人用三个小时咳痰。   On the day Oct.16th, at 4 o’clock, she coughed phlegm for 3 hours.

当时我在身边。  I was beside her at that time.

咳嗽的痰什么颜色都有,什么形状都有。  The phlegm was of all colors and all shapes.

咳出的痰,用卫生纸擦了一大堆。   We used a large amount of toilet paper to clear the phlegm.

要是装在痰盂里,我估计得有快一痰盂了。  If we had used a spittoon, it would almost have filled a whole spittoon.

1116号晚上,老人开始要求漱口。   On Oct. 16th, she told us she wanted to gargle.

我们就开始按照她的要求,给她用凉水漱口。   We followed her demand and gargled for her.

一直漱了24小时。  The gargling had kept 24 hours.

1117号夜里,老人说我左牙床的地方还有一点脏东西。   On the night of 17th, she said there was something dirty there between her teeth on the left side.

我们当时也看不见,就拿手电筒照着。  We could not see it and had to use an electronic torch.

一看就是比小米粒还小的黑色颗粒状,我们给她挑出来。   Finally we found a granule smaller than a millet between her teeth, and pick it out for her.

老人说这回我嘴干净了。  She said then that her mouth was clean,

最后又让我姑姑把嘴抹了清凉油。  and asked Aunt to put on some cooling ointment on her lips.

然后从1117号开始,老人就提出要回北京。   From Oct. 17th, she began to ask us to bring her back to Beijing.

当时我们也不知道什么意思。  We did not know what she meant at that time. 

1119号那天,老人就让我姑姑用凉水把身上整个擦洗了一遍。   On Oct. 19th, she asked my aunt to clean her body with cool water.

擦洗一遍后,又把主要的穴位,手心,脚心,还有心口窝等主要穴位抹上清凉油。  After that, some cooling ointment was put on the main acupoints, such as the palm of the hand, the arch and the pit of the stomach. 

1119夜里12点,也就是20日的零点,我们在老人的安排下,   On Oct. 19th, at 12 o’clock midnight, that is, on 0 o’clock on Oct. 20th, following Grandma’s demand,

我们就由我父亲开车,护送老人回北京。   we escorted her back to Beijing, father being the driver.

20日凌晨两点半,正式回到北沙滩我父亲家。  At 2 o’clock of midnight on the 20th, we returned to my father’s house in North Shatan, Beijing.

老人回到北沙滩后,就开始拒绝进食了。  After the arrival in Beijing, she started to fast.

凉的,热的都不吃了。  She refused to have any food, cool or hot.

主要是喝凉水。   She only drank some cool water.

老人要求每天吃一丸牛黄清心丸。  She asked for a heart calming bezoar bolus every day.

几天合起来吃了一包仁丹。  And she took a package of Rendan in several days.

打了一针强心针。   We also gave her an cardiotonic injection.

最后到了1124号,老人中午就开始说,   Finally, on Oct. 24th, she told us at noon that,

我要睡觉了,你们不要打搅我。 she wanted to sleep and no one should disturb her.

当时老人身体,我们看上去比较虚弱。  During that period, we saw she was rather weak.

而且她还不让我们给输液。  What’s more, she rejected the transfusion we offered.

也不吃饭,整天就喝水。   She went on with the fast and only drank water every day.

仍然每天排一次大便,排大便还跟原来一样,排很多。   She still shit every day and the amount was as days before, a large amount.

我们都不舍得离开老人。  No one was willing to leave her alone.

后来老人就要求我们说,我要睡觉了,不要打扰我。  Then she ordered us to leave and not to bother her. She said: “I want to sleep .”

到那天晚上十点四十五分,  At 10:45 that night,

老人在神志非常清醒的情况下,最后自己拔下氧气管,  she pulled out the oxygen pipe under very good consciousness,

最后说了一句话,我要睡觉了,不要这个了 and said her last words: ‘I want to sleep and this is no longer useful.’

把氧气管放下以后,再一摸,呼吸、心跳都停止了。  After pulling out the oxygen pipe, she stopped breathing and her heart stopped beating.

老人停止呼吸后,体温保持24小时没降,  24 hours after she stopped breathing her body temperature kept as usual,

身体一直柔软如初。   and the body was just as flexible as usual.

在五天之内,身体没有任何特殊的变化。   The body did not have any change within five day.

表面的弹性,皮肤弹性,血管弹性都很好。  The surface, the skin and the blood vessels kept very good elasticity.

最后到第五天,老人停止呼吸五天以后,  Five days after she stopped breathing, just on the fifth day,

发现老人手背的血管有血液流动。   we found blood flowage in her blood vessels.

当时流动速度很慢,  The blood flowed really slow,

早晨到这,中午到这,到晚上就整个到了指尖。  here in the morning, here at noon, and flowed to the finger tips in the evening.

老人血液流动以后,开始充水。 After the blood flowage, the body began to be filled with water.

当时是1124日晚上十点四十五分停止呼吸的。  She stopped breathing at 10:45 on Oct. 24th,

1129号,整个就开始充水了。  and on Oct. 29th, the whole body began to be filled with water.

当时充水很多,然后就开始充气。   After much water being filled, the body began to inflate.

充气以后,过了几天,水就被气给压出来了。  After several days’ inflation, the water was extruded out of the body.

这样一直到元旦,整个排水过程持续很长时间。   The whole process of extrusion of water kept a long time, till the New Year.

当时我们家里人给她垫一些卫生纸。   We laid some toilet paper under her body.

93年的元旦以后,老人身体就基本干燥了,  After the New Year of 1993, her body was almost dry,

而且充气现象也就少了。  and the inflation was less and less.

恢复到基本上原来那种状况了。   It almost came back to its former state.

然后开始渗出油脂,渗出油脂持续很长时间。   Then, The body began to exude oil. And this kept for a long time.

93年的4月份,由于家庭内部对老人后事处理意见不一,   In April of 1993, due to the disagreement in our family on the disposal of grandma’s body,

老人的事情开始向社会公布。  we publicized the news about Grandma.

我们在人科院和香河县政府、香河县委还有我的同事的帮助下,  Under the help of the Academe of Science of Human Body, the government and the party committee of Fragrant River County and some of my colleagues,

9375号,正式将老人安置回原来的香河老家。   we carried Grandma’s body back to our hometown to dispose on July 5th, 1993.

老人的演化过程仍然在持续。   Her evolvement still kept on.

特别是94年的夏天,华北地区整个高温、高湿。   In the summer of 1994, the North was of high temperature and high humility.

老人在屋子里,身体表面一直很干燥。  In her room, her body kept dry all the time.

而且老人的演化过程,一年四季有不同的特点。   The process of her evolvement took on different characteristics as the seasons changed.

冬天她的分泌物比较少,到夏天的时候,分泌出来的东西比较多,而且颜色也是逐渐变化。  She had less secretion during the winter and when summers came, there were much more secretion and the colors of the secretion changed too.

开始分泌油脂的时候是没有什么颜色的。  The secretion of oil at the very beginning had no color.

最后就发现分泌出来的东西有红色的,量也都大小不一。  And later we found the color of red, and the amount differed.

直到现在为止, 老人仍在演化。   Till now, she is still evolving.

而且整个过程还在继续。  The whole process is keeping on.



奶奶停止呼吸后的一系列不寻常现象,使我们家没有将她火化。   Because of the series of unusual phenomena appeared before and after her stopping breathing, my family decided not to cremate her.

经过一段时间观察,我们决定对奶奶妥善保护。   After a period of observation, we decided to preserve the body of Grandma properly,

以便对这一生命现象进行科学研究。  so as to make study on this scientific phenomenon.

消息传向了社会,在多方的关心下,  The news was spread to the public, and with the concern from many sides,

1993 75日,奶奶由我们护送回老家安置。   on July 5th, 1993, we escorted Grandma back to our hometown.

河北省,廊坊市,香河县的各级领导同志,我们部队的领导和科学家们,  Leaders of Hebei Province, Langfang city and Fragrant River County and leaders and scientists in our army

对这件事情的非常关心。  showed great concern for this event.

某科研单位的一份调查报告称,  An research from a scientific research unit reported that,

奶奶在停止呼吸时,没有对她进行任何医学防腐处理。 when Grandma stopped breathing, no medical embalmment was made on her.

也没有进行冰冻。  No freezing either.

她所处的环境,没有迅速脱水的特殊条件。 The environment she was in had no specific conditions for rapid dehydration.

她始终处于自然环境之中。  She was in the natural environment from the very beginning.

身体的所有变化,完全是自身完成的。 The changes of her body were completed totally by itself.

国防科工委张震寰将军生前非常关注奶奶身体演变的奇异过程。  General Zhang Zhenhuan, when alive, showed great concern to the fantastic evolvement of Grandma’s body.

他说,老人身体的演化过程举世罕见。  He said that the process of the evolvement of Grandma’s body was rare all over the world.

对周凤臣老人身体变化过程的研究工作,意义极为重大。  Research work on the process of evolvement of Fengchen Zhou, the elder’s body had great significance.

与二十一世纪科学研究需要突破的前沿密切相关。  He said it was closely related with the frontline of the scientific research of 21st century,

此项研究也将在国际上引起震动和反响。  and that the study would surely surprise the world with great influence.



传统文化学者陆锦川先生在考察后,发表了自己的见解:  Mr. Jingchuan Lu, a scholar on traditional culture, after an inspection, commented like this:

肉身不腐,从古以来大概分为两方面。  The flesh bodies that do not decay can be divided into two categories.  

大家知道,唐代高僧慧能,他留了一具肉身,现在广东韶关南华寺。  You know, there was a hierarch  in Tang Dynasty named Huineng. He left his body after death, which was preserved in Huanan Temple in Shaoguan, GuangdongProvince.

这个肉身已经一千多年了,这个肉身直到现在都没有什么变化。His body has been kept for over a thousand years, but it does not have any change till now.

我们现在看到的,汉代出土的古尸,汉墓中出土的古尸也没有腐化。  Now we can also see age-old unearthed corpses of Han Dynasty, which do not decay either.

那么这两者有什么差别呢?  Then what’s the difference between the two kinds?

出土的木乃伊,它不腐的致因跟这个不一样。  The reasons why unearthed mummies do not decay are different from those why Huineng’s body do not decay.

他有两个方面,一方面就是自然条件。  Unearthed corpses require two conditions. The first is the natural condition.

比如说他埋葬的地方土比较干燥。   For example, the corpses might be buried in a dry place.

再一个就是碰上了石灰岩。  The second example is that the corpses might be buried under calcareous sandstones.

大家都知道,石灰岩可以吸收水分, 最后尸体就完全干燥了。  You know, calcareous sandstones can imbibe moisture and at last, make the corpses completely dry.

这是自然形成的。  This is the natural way of drying a corpses.

另一种,人死了以后,就进行人为的加工。   The second choice is to make some artificial process.

把水分给它蒸干,水分蒸干后,也变成一具干尸。   That is, the moisture of the corpse is steamed dry and the corpse become a dry one too.

所以这种不腐是木乃伊。   Thus this kind of corpses which do not decay are called mummies.

这两种情况完全不一样。   The two categories are completely different.

而香河老太太这个身体,大家看一下就知道。  As far as the Fragrant River Old Lady is concerned, we can see with one look only that

她很像现在我们道家讲的“紫金琼玉身”。  she is just like what we call now in Daoism the “Golden Purple Jade Body”.

佛家把这一类叫“金刚琉璃体”。  They call it the “Diamond Blaze Body” in Buddhism.

如果它是圣体,那么它颜色一定是明亮的, 不是晦暗的;是光泽的,不是晦涩的。  If it is a holy body, it must be bright, not tarnish; it must be polishing, not obscure;

那么它的气味应该是具有一定的芳香,或者异香。  it must be fragrant, or aromatic.

如果它是木乃伊,那么不管怎么保护,它都总有一种尸臭味。  But if it is a mummy, it stinks a smell of corpses all the time, no matter how we preserve it.



从我记事的时候,我感觉奶奶特别爱哭。  As early as I began to remember things, I felt that Grandma was inclined to cry for something.

一个是她心很善,遇到点什么事,看见孩子哭她也跟着哭。  She was really kind hearted. When something unexpected happened, she would cry together with the children.

另外一个就是,因为家里那时比较困难。   Let me give an example.

我母亲很早去世了,就给小顺子送给人家了。  Mother passed away quite young and we had to give Little Shunzi to another family.

当时小顺子老在那哭。  Little Shunzi kept crying.

当时送走的时候,我记得特别清楚,奶奶就哭得特别厉害。   I remember very clearly that when we sent Little Shunzi away, Grandma cried loudly.

后来小顺子老在那哭,没办法,又抱回来了。  And Little Shunzi cried all the time in family who had adopted him, and we had to take him back home.

奶奶看见了小顺子,又使劲哭得特别厉害。   On seeing Little Shunzi, Grandma cried even louder.

奶奶小时侯带着我们这帮孩子玩。   When Grandma played with us children when we were quite young,

也经常教一些歌谣。  she taught us some ballads.

现在知道叫歌谣,那时侯就跟顺口溜似的。  I know now they are called ballads, and at that time, I just thought they were doggerels.

我现在记得,就有这么一个我记得挺深的。   One of them is still deep in my heart till now:



小板凳,三条腿,我给奶奶嗑瓜子, 奶奶嫌我脏,我给奶奶盛碗汤,汤里没搁油,我给奶奶磕个头。

Little little wooden stool

With three legs on you

I crack sunflower seeds for grandma

She minds the dirt on me

So I bring her a ball of soup

But without fat in it

Thus I kowtow to show my regret



老人可以说,年轻时我们家挺穷的。  Our family was rather poor when we were young.

虽然后来家里条件好了一点,她也经常教育我们要勤俭持家。  Even when the family’s living conditions became better, she still instructed us that we should keep the house with thrifty.

所以她就告诉我们,什么事情,不管用什么东西,开始就考虑到节约。  So she told us that no matter what to do and what to use, we should think about saving from the very beginning.

告诉我囤尖不省,等到囤底再省,就没用了,来不及了。  She told us that if you did not save something when the granary was full, then it was too late to save it when the granary was empty.

另外有些东西,用不了,宁愿让它撇下,也不把它扔了。   Moreover, when there was stuff which was more than needed, she would rather keep it for future use than throw it away.




现在,各界人士对香河老太太的“果位”,非常关心。  People from all circles now are very much concerned with Fragrant River Old Lady’s spirit tablet.

佛教界认为她成佛了,也许道教界人士认为她成仙了。  People in Buddhism think that she became a Buddha, and People from Daoism may believe that she became an immortal.

但是这是个“名相”,我们确切地讲是个世间名相。  But they are just titles. To be more exact, they are only titles made by the mortal world.

佛家的果位分两个等次,一个称为佛陀,就是佛; 第二个就是菩萨。  The Buddhism has two ranks of spirit tablets, the first one being Buddha and the second one being Bodhisattva.

下面还有罗汉等等。   Following them are arhat and so on and so forth.

道家,第一个“果位”称为圣人,第二个称为神仙。  In the Daoism, the first spirit tablet is Man of God, and the second is immortal.

现在香河老太太,大家就把她往这拉。  Now, as far as this Old Lady is concerned, many people have tried to put her under one specific title.

觉得她不是神仙,不是圣人,就应该是佛,反正就给她定一个名称。  They believe that if she is not an immortal, neither a Woman of God, then she is a Buddha. They just want to give her a title.

根据我们了解了这个香河老太太的家属,他们的介绍,我们发现一个问题。  According to the introduction made by her family members, we bring forward a question.

香河老太这一生,她没有正规地归入佛教或者道教。  During her life time, the Old Lady had never formally converted herself a Buddhist or a Daoist.

她没有进入宗教。  She never entered the field of religion.

也就是说,她跟现在宗教修炼传统的模式,基本上是没有关系的。  That is to say, she had almost nothing to do with the traditional pattern of religious cultivation.

当然香河老太也信神,但是她是一个泛神论者。  It is true that the Old Lady believed in God, but she was a pantheist.

就是凡是人间的神,她都拜。  That is, she worshiped whichever gods in the mortal world.

这一点就可以说明,她有信仰,但没有宗教。  This shows that she had her believe in god but had no special obeisance to a specific religion.

宗教是人类的产物,跟本身人类自身的修为没有关系。  Religion is the production of human beings. It has nothing to do with a person’s own cultivation and behavior.

大家知道,释迦牟尼,老子,他们当年成道的时候,  You know, when Sakyamuni and Laozi got there doctrines in those early years,

也还没有道教和佛。  there were no Buddhism or Daoism at all.

是释迦牟尼成了道以后,宣传他的教义,最后后人才把它组成了佛教。  It was after Sakyamuni got his doctrines and proclaimed his teachings, the later generations composed them into Buddhism.

是老子的思想传下来了,最后才变成道教。  It was Laozi’s teachings handed down that became Daoism.

所以现在的人,拜佛,拜菩萨,拜神仙,  Thus people today can worship Buddha, Bodhisattva and the immortal,

我们可以想一想,当年的释迦牟尼他拜什么, 当年的老子他拜什么。  but let’s think about what Sakyamuni and Laozi could worship in their times.

你们现在念佛,释迦牟尼当年念什么?  Now we learn the teaching of Buddha, what could Sakyamuni learn in his time?

所以从这一点讲,修为跟宗教没有关系,人类本身就具有这个本能。  Thus we say that one’s cultivation has nothing to do with religion. Human beings can fulfill it with instinct.

我们把它叫做平常心,平常心就是道。  We call this the cultivation of a plain heart.

我看香河老太,她的修为很平常,  To me, the cultivation of the Old Lay is quite plain,

因为平常,她才结了一个不平常的果。  and just this plainness has brought her an unusual fruit.




有一位见过奶奶身体的人说,我见到了不可思议的事实  Once a man who had seen Grandma’s body said: “What I saw is inconceivable.”

今天,这个不可思议的事实就发生我们身边,发生在现代社会。  Today, this inconceivable event just happened around us, in the modern world.

奶奶想告诉我们些什么呢?   What does Grandma want to tell us?

她反复嘱咐我们五句话:  She urged us again and again with five sayings: 

第一句话是,走到天边,说话嘴要对着心,心眼要放在正地方。   Among them, the first one is, wherever we go, what we say should be what in our mind and we should never harm others intentionally.

第二句话是,遇事是多替别人着想,不要总想着自己。    The second is that when something unexpected

happens, think for others more than for ourselves.

第三句话是,受人滴水之恩要涌泉相报。   The third saying is that receiving from others drops of water, we should render back with gushing spring.

第四句话是,钱财是身外之物,生也不能带来,死也不能带走,不要看得太重。  The fourth is that wealth is some external things besides the body. Never pay too much attention to it for you cannot bring it with you when born in to the world, and nor can you take it away with you when you die.

第五句话是,一个人做好事有人知道,做坏事也有人知道,最终是善有善报,恶有恶报。  The last saying is that whatever anyone does, whether it is something good or something bad, there should be someone who knows it. Benevolence will be rendered back with benevolence, and sowing the wind will reap the whirlwind.




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